The most common knee disorders

The most common knee disorders


At certain stages of a knee disorder, it often happens that patients do not turn to a specialist due to the “tolerable pain”. They think that the condition is not so severe, therefore they can live with it. Untreated joint problems of the knee may result in more severe damage later, which in many cases require surgical treatment. This often leads to worse health conditions, more pain, and longer recovery time. The following summary will help you recognize the most common knee disorders and knee injuries.

1. Condropathy

Condropathy is a degenerative (wear or arthrosis) lesion that affects the entire knee joint and its functioning. At an initial stage, the cartilage structure, covering the joints changes. The originally plain surface softens, then it becomes cracked, that may leads to cartilage wear. The last stage of the degenerative lesion means that the joint won’t be covered with cartilage parts, causing significant pain and loss of function.

Damages of the cartilagenous surface are often the results of knee instability, or axial deflexion (knock-knee, bow knees). It can be also an early sign of general joint wear and degeneration (arthrosis). In case of joint pain, consultation with a rheumatologist is recommended. If your knee pain is severe, orthopedic examination is required.

When cartilagenous surface impairment occurs, it is essental to undergo an X-ray examination and MRI scan to set up the diagnosis properly. The severity of cartilagenous surface damage can be determined accurately during surgery.

2. Loose bodies

When an injury or degeneration of bone or cartilage can cause a piece of bone or cartilage to break off and float in the joint space, we talk about loose body. This may not cause any problems, except the loose body interferes with knee joint movement, that causes intense pain. In this case, arthroscopic loose body removal is inevitable to prevent cartilage damage and wear, because of the stuck pieces.

3. Patellar dislocation

The patella (kneecap) is a free-floating bone in the front of the knee that is attached to the quadriceps muscle at the top and the patellar tendon at the bottom. When a tiwisting injury to the knee joint causes the knee cap to dislocate, it is patellar dislocation. In case of moderate pain in the knee joint, it is advisable to visit a rheumatologist. If intense pain occurs, orthopedic examination is required. Patellar dislocation surgery is performed by open-, or arthroscopic surgery.

4. Meniscus injury and meniscus tear

A meniscus tear can be caused by acute or chronic stress.  A sudden force on the knee joint often leads to an acute tear. This type of tear occurs generally  at a younger age, mostly between athletes, and usually accompanied by a ligament tear. Recurring, one-place-focused load could also cause the weakening of the meniscus cartilage. This type of injury is called a degenerative tear, and it is more common at an elder age.

According to the conditions of the injury, a variant type of tears can be differentiated. It is important to know that, without any treatment, even the smallest tear could become severe and lead to cartilage detachment.

If meniscus injury (serious injury or tear) is assumable, a consultation with a traumatologist is recommended Meniscus tear is surgically treated by refixing (meniscus repair) or removing (meniscectomy) the torn part.

5. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear

Anterior cruciate ligament connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. ACL is the most commonly injured (stretch or tear) knee ligament. Anterior cruciate ligament tear can occur with a medial collateral ligament injury. When the anterior cruciate ligament, the medial collateral ligament and the medial meniscus is injured we call it terrible triad or unhappy triad. In most cases, ACL injury is a consequence of a sudden movement like a quick turn when jumping, or changing directions while running. In case of ligament tear, arthroscopic ACL surgery is required.

What can I expect after surgery?

The seams will be removed one week after surgery. As part of the rehabilitation process, physiotherapy treatment will begin, depending on the type of the disease or injury. To reach full mobility, thrombosis pre-treatment (thrombosis prophylaxis) is required.

After the treatment of knee joint injuries and degenerative diseases of the joint, relief is required with the help of medical equipments.

Recovery time depends on individual cases. Your physician will give you precise information about your treatment and recovery during the preliminary consultation.

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