Fallopian tube patency test (Hystero-contrast-sonography)

To find the cause of childlessness there are many methods available to today’s medical science. The use of some diagnostic methods depends most on the patient’s history. Anatomical changes in the background of infertility are most often indicated by pelvic pain.

The role of fallopian tube in infertility

The horn-shaped fallopian tube connects the abdominal cavity with the uterine cavity, which, by peristaltic movement absorbs the ovum formed in the ovary and transports it to the uterine cavity at ovulation. In fertilization, male sperm cells and the ovum are often come together in the fallopian tube and fertilization occurs here.

Infertility caused by organic reasons

The mapping of pelvic anatomical conditions is suitable for excluding infertility caused by organic reasons:

  • the uterine cavity
  • the interoperability of fallopian tubes
  • the surrounding environment of the uterus due to the exclusion of possible concrescence.

Conditions predisposing to infertility caused by organic reasons often are the result of inflammatory disease:

  • appendicitis
  • inflammation of fallopian tubes
  • sexually transmitted diseases
  • complicated pregnancy interruption

We should also consider non-inflammatory predisposition factors:

  • congenital deficiency of the fallopian tube
  • the benign tumor of the uterus (fibroids)
  • pelvic coalescence due to endometriosis

When is it necessary?

We perform fallopian tube patency test for three reasons:

  • unknown origin of infertility (when spontaneous pregnancy did not occur after one year)
  • before fertilization treatments
  • to clarify abnormalities detected during ultrasound examination

The fallopian tube interoperability test is based on the use of a contrast agent to penetrate the uterus cavity through the cervix and visualize the reproductive organs by an imaging method and form an opinion about the condition of the organs.

How does the process go?

By the ultrasonic HyCoSy (Hystero-contrast-sonography) procedure relatively quickly and easily, in outpatient care, we reveal the uterine cavity and the permeability of the fallopian tubes with minimal pain.

During the process, using a catheter a sterile physiological saline solution is introduced into the uterine cavity via the vagina, and then monitor the pressure and how quickly the fluid passes through the fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity. If the results are favorable, at least one of the tubes will certainly be permeable.

If the injected liquid cannot be excreted from the uterine cavity to the peritoneum area for persistent, high pressure, after 1-3 minutes, obstruction of both tubes may be assumed. Later consultations are supported by image recordings.

HyCoSy - Hystero-contrast-sonography

The total duration of the process is approximately 1 hour, which includes preliminary data reconciliation and gynecological examinations, intervention and imaging procedures, evaluation of the results following the examination, and the consultation of further questions and options.

How do I prepare for the process?

The fallopian tube patency test with the HyCoSy process is considered an invasive procedure and requires safety precautions. We schedule the process on the 7-10 day of the cycle. It is not recommended to consume solid food for 6 hours before the test, only liquid intake is recommended.

What are the benefits?

  • it can be performed ambulant
  • the short duration of the test
  • it is less painful
  • free from X-ray radiation dose
  • do not need to be anesthetized

What are the disadvantages?

  • the test should not be used for active pelvic inflammation
  • assumes great pressure
  • does not provide information on pelvic conditions

What do I expect after the process?

After 10 to 30 minutes of the examination, our patients used to leave without complaint and generally in good condition. However, we recommend that you come with an accompanying and do not drive the car that day. After the test and the next days, it is recommended to take painkillers, as well as the continuation and completion of the antibiotic prescribed for the prevention of peritoneum irritation.

Since we perform a uterine process, which is considered to be a gynecological small surgery, then a daily thermometer is needed for a week, and a sitting-in bath and a love-making must be avoided for the same period.

What are the risks of the process?

Complications such as pain, nausea, vomiting or decrease in blood pressure may occur during the fallopian tube interoperability test. However, these symptoms occur very rarely due to adequate medication protection.

Subsequent complications may happen in the form of peritoneum discomfort and possibly peritoneum inflammation, which almost certainly does not occur in practice due to antibiotic protection.

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we would like to inform you that our Clinics will be closed on August 20th and 21st.


Dear Customers,

we would like to inform you that our Clinics will be closed on August 20th and 21st.
