Early detection of kidney disease

Early detection of kidney disease


The number of chronic kidney disease, unfortunately, is steadily increasing, with a direct proportion of obesitydiabetes, and hypertension. Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys occur mainly in case of young women and they develop from urinary tract infection and bladder. The cause of this is primarily the neglect of cold.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Frequent symptoms of kidney disease include watery skin and swollen face, swelling of the extremities, weakness, and fatigue. Frequent lymphatic pain typically occurs at the back, from the bottom up to the side of the waist or the back of the spine.

Acute and chronic inflammation of the renal pelvis also occurs. In acute cases, the disease is caused by high fever and pulsating, splitting lymphatic pain. In chronic cases, the pain may also be present, but blunter. Treatment of inflammation is indispensable, if neglected, renal insufficiency can occur.

The typically hereditary polycystic kidney disease involves severe pain, during which kidney-fluid cysts develop. Abdominal or waist pain or even abdominal seizures can occur, which can lead to renal failure in a more advanced state if it is left untreated.

13702879 – cross section of human kidney

Kidney stone is a common disease, and there are many causes in the background, including lifestyle factors such as low levels of fluid intake, excessive mineral water or salty food consumption. Thyroid disorder, parathyroid gland disease can also cause kidney stones, as they extract calcium from the bone, causing it to become stoned. The most common symptom is a strong pain, which could radiate to the limb and inguinal besides to the waist.

Diagnosis of kidney disease

Urine testing indicates inflammation in the body.

Urine sedimentation and examination are useful to detect infections, while tumors are clearly visible by ultrasound examination.

The complications of inflammation, the abscess formation can also be detected by the latter examination. In case of tumors, severe inflammations or in certain cases of lithiasis, a CT scan may be required, while in the case of calcareous stones, X-rays can help to diagnose.

Treatment of kidney disease

In inflammation, antibiotic treatment is primarily prescribed, although inflammation associated with severe abscess formation surgery can also be considered.

In the case of tumors, the urologist may order an open or laparoscopic surgery.

Prevention of kidney disease

Kidney disease can be easily prevented by proper lifestyle, protection against cold, regular and abundant fluid consumption. The risk of developing tumors can be reduced by avoiding smoking and obesity.

Kidney diseases can be prevented by regular screening tests as well – urine and laboratory testing, as it can be used to unfold the problems in time and to start treatment. On the other hand, it helps prevent high blood pressure and maintain diabetes.

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