World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day


Today is World Tuberculosis Day. In 1884 at the 24th of March Robert Koch discovered the bacteria responsible for this deadly disease.

We at Medicover Hospital Hungary use this day to remember of the importance of prevention and screenings to fight off tuberculosis.

At least once a year it’s highly recommended to get a Chest x-ray or LDCT done.

Chest x-ray is probably widely known, it’s used to diagnosed pneumonia, tuberculosis or sometimes even tumors. However LDCT –Low Dose Computed Tomography is a less known tool for diagnosing sometimes deadly diseases.

At Medicover Hospital Hungary we offer LDCT as a screening method because its resolution offers a more precise and quicker diagnosis.

Dear Customers,

we would like to inform you that our Clinics will be closed on August 20th and 21st.


Dear Customers,

we would like to inform you that our Clinics will be closed on August 20th and 21st.
