What is fibroid (myoma)?

What is fibroid (myoma)?


Fibroids are mostly benign, connective tissue and muscle cell proliferation due to the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus, ranging from the size of the grain to the melon size. Small, non-complaint fibroids do not require treatment. Generally, the benign tumor develops after 25-30 years of age. After menopause around the age of 50, the estrogen levels may decrease and the fibroid may shrink or disappear. If it causes complaints because of its size or location, surgical intervention is indicated.

Types of fibroids by their location

  • uterus and the peritoneum surface
  • in the uterus wall
  • under the mucous membrane (endometrium) surrounding the inner surface of the uterus
  • it is linked to the outer surface of the uterus (pedunculate myoma)
  • under the mucous membrane

What are the causes of fibroids?

The risk of developing is greatly increased by the inadequate functioning of the ovaries, the thyroid gland or the hormone-producing glands. It occurs in case of nearly one-fifth of fertile women. The shift in the estrogen-progesterone ratio (estrogen dominance) can also cause myoma. Stress, heredity, and vitamin and mineral deficits also contribute to the development.

What are the symptoms of myoma?

  • abdominal cramps
  • feelings of pressure in the abdomen
  • pelvic pain
  • shorter cycles, abnormal bleeding
  • bloating
  • constipation
  • nausea
  • dense urination
  • miscarriage

How to diagnose fibroids?

To set up an accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound test is required to help determine its size and location. The greater the cell proliferation, the more probable the painful feeling in the abdomen. Fibroids may cause serious pain, if the urinary bladder, the urethra, the rectum and the pelvic blood vessels and the surrounding organs are pressed due to their size.

Removal of fibroids

During hysterectomy removal, fibroids are removed without opening the abdominal cavity. In the case of laparoscopic surgery, the fibroids are removed from the abdominal cavity following 4 abdominal incisions of 5-10 mm wide by microsurgical instruments.

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