What is a hammer toe?

What is a hammer toe?


The hammer toe is formed due to the prolapse of the transverse arch and due to the changed tensile direction of the toe moving the toe. It is a deformity of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the second, third, or fourth toe causing it to be permanently bent. Mallet toe is a similar condition affecting the distal interphalangeal joint. Claw toe is another similar condition, with dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx on the lesser metatarsophalangeal joint, combined with flexion of both the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints. Claw toe can affect the second, third, fourth, or fifth toes. It is more common in women’s case than in men’s case. Wearing of high heels and narrow nose shoes greatly contributes to the formation of hammer toe.

What are the causes of hammer toe?

The formation of hammer toe is caused by static disturbances of the leg. Prolapse of the transverse arch keeps the foot in a tight position because of regular wear of tight shoes or high heels, or because of the inherited static problem (already recognized in childhood). Along with deformity, other leg problems such as overgrowntyúkszem, inflamed nails and callus are often associated with.

Prevention of hammer toe

Insoles what lift up the transverse arch, wearing wide, non-high heels (flexible, soft sole), as well as leg muscle strengthening and stretching exercises are both effective in preventing deformity.

Symptoms and diagnosis of hammer toe

Thehammer toe is a visible deformity, which can be clearly established by the fact that one of the toes (except the first one) forms a V shape. The hammer toe has a burning sensation, pain can occur, and in severe cases, the affected toe may be injured. As the toe emerges, it is easier to be irritated and rubbed by the shoe, which worsens by high heels or tight shoes.

During the orthopedic examination, the severity of the symptoms can be determined by the specialist and what kind of treatment the hammer toe needs.

Treatment of hammer toe

At the initial stage, when there is still a slight degree of deformity, the use of orthopedic shoes and physiotherapy can help to correct the lesion. The aim of the physiotherapy is to correct the changed tensile direction of the muscles and improve the joint movements. In cases where surgical intervention is required, the procedure depends on the severity of the deformity and the length of the toe.

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