The most effective exercises after total knee replacement

The most effective exercises after total knee replacement


Doing exercises to straighten the muscles of the knee and increase range of motion is essential after total knee replacement surgery. The main aim is to restore strength and mobility to the knee that helps the patient to return daily activities as soon as possible. The first three month are particularly critical in recovery. An average full recovery from a total knee replacement is 3 to 12 month. With the help of regular exercises it is possible to speed recovery and diminish postoperative pain.

The 5 most effective exercise after total knee replacement surgery

Beside using the continuous passive motion machine, it is crucial to perform muscle strengthening exercises in a sitting -, or a bed supported position at the beginning, as part of the rehabilitation.

Ankle pumps

Ankle pumps are highly recommended shortly after surgery in the recovery room. Bend and straighten your ankles to pump your feet up and down (as if you were pumping the accelerator pedal). It is necessary to do this exercise throughout the whole physical therapy until the swelling is gone from the ankle and lower leg. Perform this exercise for 2 to 3 minutes, 2-3 times an hour.

Knee straightening exercises

After placing a rolled towel under the heel (so that the heel doesn’t touch the bed) tighten your thigh. Straighten fully your knee and try to touch the bed with the back of your knee. Hold it completely straightened for at least 5 seconds.

Knee bends (bed supported)

Slide your foot toward your buttocks, bending your knee and keeping your heel on the bed. Hold your knee in a totally bent position for 5 to 10 seconds and straighten afterwards. Repeat the movement several times, until your legs feel tired.

Knee bends (sitting supported)

Begin this exercise when sitting at your bedside or in a chair with your thigh supported. Place your foot behind the heel of your operated knee for support. Slowly bend your knee as far as you can. Hold your knee in this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat several times until your leg feels tired or until you can fully bend your knee.

Hamstring stretch

In a sitting position, place your operated leg straight out in front concentrating on keeping your knee straight. Sit tall and reach forwards towards your toes on the operated leg. You should feel an increase in your hamstrings behind your thigh. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.

Advanced level of activity after total knee replacement surgery

The fifth week after knee replacement surgery, when the listed exercises can be completed without difficulty it is possible to gradually increase the walking distance and start riding a stationary bike at a normal level. You can increase the resistance on the basis of your physical condition. Always monitor your pain and decrease the resistance level when needed.

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