Are you struggling with hair loss?

Are you struggling with hair loss?


Our hair is constantly renewed in certain periods, especially in autumn and spring, with intense falls. However, we can only suspect a more serious problem when we lose more than 60-100 hairs a day and do not grow new in the place of the fallen ones. In this case, we can sense the tonsure thinning.

What can be in the background of the complaint?

Hair loss is largely influenced by hereditary factors, women may have hair loss after menopause, but serious illnesses, such as thyroid and gynecology can cause problems. Occasionally hair loss may occur as a side effect of medication, inflammatory processes (tooth or gum inflammation) in the body, the fungal infection affecting the scalp or loss of vitamins and minerals.

In case of women, hormonal changes and stress may increase the amount of hair loss.

Types and causes of hair loss

Diffuse hair loss can be due to iron or zinc deficiency, malnutrition, chronic illness, but may also be caused by cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It may also occur after birth or in the event of taking contraceptive. In this case, the same amount of hair on the scalp falls out.

Spotted hair loss is usually caused by center infections (bad teeth, chronic tonsillitis), thyroid and autoimmune diseases, and syphilis. In this case, hair loss on the hairy scalp may occur from lens size to more than a palm of the contiguous areas.

One form of spotted hair loss is the so-called androgenic alopecia, a masculine type of hair loss that affects not only men but women.

How do they diagnose?

The dermatologist first enquires about hair loss abnormalities in the family, followed by the examination of hair and scalp. Patient questioning is also important, as it may turn out to be just over a stressful period, or had started an intensive slimming program. If there is no externally visible inflammation, infection or other signs of mutation, and there is no significant change in the lifestyle, laboratory blood tests and microscopic analysis of hair follicles can say a lot.

Individual treatment procedures

In the dermatological examination, the specialist uses the most optimal therapy, whether it is medication or topical medicinal products that exerts a beneficial effect on the scalp.

If it is an inherited tendency, the process can be only slowed down. Screening tests make it easy to find out whether any of the mentioned diseases exist and the proper nutrition can help to improve the vitamin supply of the hair and skin. Vitamins A, B, H, C and E and minerals such as iron, sulfur, copper, zinc, and calcium help to slow down the process.

Regular exercise has a greater role to play in maintaining the health of the hair than we would think first, as it increases the oxygen supply of the scalp, which stimulates hair growth.

We recommend to you to contact a specialist if you experience more hair loss because the tests can help you to find out if there is any outwardly not visible illnesses in the background of your complaint.

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we would like to inform you that our Clinics will be closed on August 20th and 21st.


Dear Customers,

we would like to inform you that our Clinics will be closed on August 20th and 21st.
