Symptoms and causes of Bartholin’s cyst

Symptoms and causes of Bartholin’s cyst


What is Bartholin’s cyst?

The Bartholin’s glands are located on the lower third part of each side of the vaginal opening and responsible to secrete fluid that helps lubricate the vagina. Their size is approximately 1 cm.

Under normal circumstances, the Bartholin’s glands are not palpable, but mostly the opening tube is visible.

Inflammation of the glands results in pain, swelling and occasionally fever. In addition to swelling, redness and pulsating pain occur, which can be felt more intensely during walking and sitting.

A Bartholin’s cyst or abscess is a common phenomenon. Treatment of a Bartholin’s cyst depends on the size of it, how painful the cyst is and whether it is infected.

What are the causes of the development of Bartholin’s cyst?

Inflammation of the Bartholin’s gland occurs when bacteria reach the opening of the gland, so the openings become obstructed, causing fluid to back up into the gland. If the fluid within the cyst becomes infected, it may develop a collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue (abscess).

Bacteria are particularly overbalanced healthy vaginal flora balance by vaginal infections. In this case, the vagina is more “defenseless”, since the acidic environment provides protection against microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, various parasites or viruses).

There are several reasons why the vaginal microflora becomes abnormal, for example:

  • use of antibiotics,
  • taking contraceptives,
  • lack of follicular hormone (elderly vaginitis),
  • unprotected intercourse,
  • excessive use of toiletries,
  • lifestyle stress,
  • vaginal pH shift in alkaline (bleeding),
  • trespass (injury, abortion, birth, surgery),
  • tight synthetic lingerie,
  • use of saunas, swimming pools, and public beaches.

Symptoms of Bartholin’s cyst

Symptoms generally appear only on one side, but the degree of pain is increasing due to walking and sitting. In the lower third of the vaginal opening, redness and swelling develop, accompanied by pulsating pain and fever.

How do we diagnose Bartholin’s cyst?

Clinical examination is sufficient to diagnose the Bartholin’s cyst, which may occur during the gynecological test, or if the patient turns to a specific problem to the doctor.

Treatment of Bartholin’s cyst

The final healing of Bartholin-cyst and abscess is only expected from surgical interventions. In this case, the gland is opened and cleansed, then fixed with a few stitches to prevent it from receding. Before the surgery, the doctor may order the use of medical bonding to minimize inflammation.

Prevention of Bartholin’s cyst

Its development cannot be completely prevented, but if the vaginal infections are treated in time, it is avoidable that the Bartholin glands will be infected.

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