What causes varicose veins?

What causes varicose veins?


Varicose veins affect up to 20 % of the population since humans started walking on two feet our legs have to carry an increased amount of weight. Because of this, the valves inside our veins can be damaged sooner, leading to inadequate functioning. These are the valves that need to dislodge the flow of exhausted, debilitating blood to the heart, but they cannot maintain the direction because of the damage, some of the blood flowing back into the deeper stages.

The following factors play a major role in the development of varicose veins


As time passes, the veins start to lose their elasticity and the valves inside them stop working as well.


Added pressure on the veins in the legs by the weight of the growing fetus and the relaxation effects of the hormones estrogen and progesterone on the vein walls contribute to the development of varicose veins during pregnancy.


Women are more prone to developing this disease because the female hormones have a relaxing effect on the walls of the veins. With this increased diameter even the properly working valves can’t do their job thus blood flows backward.


Varicose veins may be partly caused by your genes, your risk of developing them is increased if a close family member has the disease.


Overweight puts extra pressure on your veins, which means they have to work harder to send the blood back to your heart. This can put increased pressure on the valves, making them more prone to leaking.


Jobs that require long periods of standing may increase your risk of getting varicose veins.

Other influencing factors

The weakness of the arteries

Another important factor in the damage of the vein wall is the “trapping” of white blood cells. Due to increased venous pressure, white blood cells accumulate in the microvascularis, which damage the vein wall by the enzymes released from them. The capillaries and the small veins wall therefore become permeable, allowing more fluid into the surrounding tissues.

Hormonal factors

The appearance of varicose veins are significantly influenced by women’s sex hormones, so women are more likely to have vascular diseases. Additionally, various hormone replacement treatments, hormonal contraceptives, and hormonal changes can all contribute to the formation of varicose veins.

Inefficiency of venous valve

The congenital weakness of the connective tissues is also included, but other patients with primary vascular disorders may also have other symptoms of connective tissue weakness, such as flatfoot, haemorrhoid or a hernia. These disorders may be present even cumulatively.

How do we treat varicose veins?

In the treatment of varicose veins, it is very important that you should contact a specialist when the first complaints occur, even if they are only aesthetically disturbing. In this case, it is not only possible to anticipate later complications, but the treatment and healing can be much simpler and faster.

Against the recurrence of vascular complaints, we can protect ourselves with lifestyle changes and regular screening tests. However, if your condition is severe, surgery is the option you can choose. This eliminates the risks for complications like thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or leg ulcers.

At Medicover Private Hospital there are different surgeries (stripping or Endovenous Laser Treatment – EVLA) available from which your doctor chooses the one that suits you the most.

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