The most common causes of female infertility

The most common causes of female infertility


In medical terms we talk about infertility when a woman has not conceived after 12 months of contraceptive-free intercourse. As well, if the woman’s pregnancy ends with a spontaneous miscarriage on a regular basis.

Fertilization is a very complex process in which hundreds of chemical, physical and hormonal mechanisms need to be realized at the specified time and in sequence.

It is important to emphasize that in the infertility test, both members of the couple should be tested, as 40% of female factors, 40% of male factors, and 20% of the two members of the couple could be the cause of infertility.

Women are diagnosed with the gynecological physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging diagnostics, and, if necessary, surgical techniques to detect the cause of infertility.

One of the most important medical procedures for men is the qualitative and quantitative testing of semen. In addition, if necessary, other andrology studies (hormone level determination, surgical techniques) will ascertain the underlying problem.

In our current blog article, we only write about the factors that cause female infertility.

The quality of oocyte

Women’s fertility is not only influenced by the number of oocytes but also by their quality, and its quality is beginning to worsen over the years – over the age of 35. At the age of 40 years, 55-65% of the gametes in chromosomal condition may be considered to be defective. The primary reason for this is that the number of oocytes is emerging in the 20th week of fetal life, but since that the female body is managing this oocyte stock. During the menstrual period, the number of these oocytes decreases.

Ovulation problems

A very common cause of infertility may be the ovulation failure. The most common disturbance of the ovaries is the increased production of luteinizing hormone (LH), which represents of 75% of ovulation abnormalities. In this case, healthy ovules are found in the ovaries, however, because of the constantly high LH level, ovulation does not occur. The immature follicles are filled with fluid and become cysts. We talk about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in the case of ten or more cysts formation.

There are more signs of ovulation abnormality:

  • irregular or absent menstruation
  • sensitivity of the breasts

Patients with PCOS, insulin level has also increased, which results in increased testosterone production and significant weight gain and increased hair growth. However, ovulation can be triggered with folliculitis medicines, and women with PCOS can naturally become pregnant. The solution can be to find, reach, and maintain an ideal body weight.


We talk about endometriosis when the mucous membrane surrounding the uterus is found outside of it. This may occur in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or pelvic wall lining tissues as well. Most commonly, it affects the peritoneum and causes great pain. It may often be the most common cause of painful menstruation.

During the usual menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens by the sex hormones and prepares for a possible pregnancy. If the pregnancy is missed, the hormone level decreases and the thickened mucous membrane of the uterus is removed. During the process, the mucous membrane leaves through the vagina, accompanied by bleeding, every month.

However, because the mucous membrane that is outside the uterus can not leave through the monthly bleeding, it grows in the closed body cavities and irritates the surrounding tissues. It can lead to the formation of accumulating blood cysts, which may later result from concrescence and scar tissue.

In addition to many unpleasant complaints, it is considered one of the reasons for infertility.

Fallopian tube obstruction

In the background of infertility there may be the fallopian tube obstruction. This is an undercurrent problem because it is asymptomatic, so many women do not even know why she does not get pregnant. This not only blocks the male stem cells from reaching the oocyte, but it does not allow the fertilized ova to leave the ovaries and penetrate into the uterus. The causes of obstruction may be either sexually transmitted or inflammatory diseases, surgically treated by the release of the wires.

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