The causes of skin allergy and its development

The causes of skin allergy and its development


Most commonly known respiratory allergic reactions – mucous membrane irritation, cold, sneezing, cough – usually cause skin reactions, acute or recurrent dermatitis, rash, itching. Consider these.


Atopy is an inherited tendency to cause some allergic reactions and symptoms. Atopic children and adults are more susceptible to allergens in their environment and their body is more prone to producing antibodies to these and responding to various allergic diseases.

Symptoms include asthma, hay fever, conjunctivitis, eczema, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most frequently occurring childhood skin diseases. Dry, sensitive, peeled skin, intermittent inflammation of the skin, swollen skin rash, blurred, severe itching. One of the reasons for his development is to consider family accumulation as responsible.

The background of the disease is genetically determined immune system hypersensitivity, which causes excessive activity of the so-called T cells from the white blood cells and causes inflammation of the skin after contact with certain irritant substances.

In addition to the inherited tendency, many factors are responsible for the development of atopic dermatitis. In childhood, particular attention must be paid to nutrition: when the skin symptoms occur consuming new food, we may be suspect of food allergy. Primarily, dairy products, eggs, fish, cereals, nuts and hazelnuts, tomatoes and citrus fruits can contribute to the development of the symptoms. Among the most commonly known allergens (house dust, pollens) and infections can cause symptoms of recurrence and worsening.


Urtica is the most common edema in the middle layer of the skin (dermis) caused by the release of the substance called histamine.

In the skin, many stimuli may trigger histamine outbreaks from the mast cells; Release may also be an allergic reaction. The triggering allergens are often medicines, foods, preservatives, bacterial proteins, bowel parasites.Bacteria sometimes lurk in hidden centers in the body, and without making an acute complaint, they work as an “allergen storage”.

The urtica are quickly formed within a few minutes, they are painfully itchy, especially in the bends. It is typical that night the complaints increase. If some food is consumed, complaints are often accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea. The so-called angioedema may appear with urticaria. In this case, the lips, the eye area, the genitals and the fingers swell. Edema reaches its maximum in a few hours and then absorbs itself.

The occurrence of urtica is very common, so its diagnosis is simple. But the cause is much more difficult to clarify. If the symptoms appear after eating exotic foods, taking medication, insect bites or using cosmetics it is easy to diagnose. The situation is very difficult when urtica is present for months. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider the case history and to follow the elimination diet, which should be strictly applied for at least three weeks, eliminating foods, medicines, and cosmetics which may be responsible for the symptoms out of the lifestyle. When the patient becomes asymptomatic, the foods in question are recaptured one at a time until one of them triggers again allergic reaction.

Physical tests help to verify cold-hot and pressure urticas, and the doctor may order screening for hidden cause, gastroscopy, immunological, and allergic investigation if the case history requires it based on normal physical investigations, lab tests, and complaints.


During infancy, eczema symptoms may often occur as the indicator of later allergies. Atopic eczema is a recurrent and chronic disease that develops from a congenital allergic tendency. Eczema skin symptoms may appear alongside food allergies.

In the case of eczema, the skin initially becomes red, itchy, small blisters are formed, and scrape cause minor wounds and peels. Eczema can have many root causes that can be divided into two major groups: Exogenous eczema is caused by external, mostly environmental, effects. Exogenous allergens exfoliating the skin produce dermatitis in susceptible people. These can be vegetable powders, pollens, animal hairs, various chemicals, metals, etc.

In the case of endogenous eczema, individual susceptibility is required for the development of skin symptoms. For example atopic dermatitis, which eczema skin symptoms usually appear in infancy or childhood. Endogenous eczema could be caused by antigens of bacteria and fungi in the body or on the skin.

What types of diagnoses are known to detect skin allergy?

For accurate identification of allergens, a variety of skin tests (Prick test), blood tests, cross-allergy and component-based investigations, screening for hidden cause are available.

How can we alleviate or eliminate symptoms?

The most effective way to alleviate symptoms is to find and completely eliminate allergens in our lives, if this is possible – in people with contact eczema this process is relatively easy to achieve when it comes to various metals and chemical symptoms.

Local treatment is intended to reduce inflammation and avoid over-infection. In severe cases, the doctor may order steroidal creams and tablets.

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